Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A few highlights.

As we finish up our time here in South Africa we are thinking not only about what lays ahead, but also what we are leaving behind. 
Today we are in a time of debrief and that brings in lots of thoughts about the past 5 months. 
I want to share with you a few of my highlights. 

Our first stop, the Drakensberg YWAM. We spent many days working with a soup kitchen in a remote location. The children's programs we shared and the smile from the children are something I can't even begin to describe! 

Our second location was LIV Village. A place where children have been rescued, given a new home and a new family, and learned of a greater love. I seriously miss some of these children so much. 

YWAM Durban has been our final stop on this trip, and I have to say my biggest God sighting of all. 
Walking down the street we ran into a gentleman who was not having a good day. He had been high jacked a few hours before and was trying to get home. This was really the first time being here that I witnessed for myself the anger and hatred so prevalent in this country. 
The amazing thing about this encounter was as we talked the anger faded and as we prayed with him the tears streamed down his face. He prayed for forgiveness for his hatred and the strength to be able to love his enemies. I will not soon forget the change that I saw on his face as he walked away. That smile was the smile of a peace that only Jesus can bring.   

These past five months have in no way been easy, but God never promised an easy road. It's been good. A challenge is the way of growth. 

Thanks again to every one of your prayers and support!!!

I will try to keep you posted on future plans as I discover the path God has for me!  I know He's not done with me yet!!

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