Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Home again, home again...sort of.

Galatians 6:9-10 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believes.
I’ve been back in the states for just over a week.  I would like to say the jet leg hasn’t affected me at all, but unfortunately that would just be a lie.  I seem to hit a wall every afternoon and am struggling beyond hope to keep my eyes open by 9pm, Hoping and praying a few more days and I’ll be as alive as ever! J
The CDTS phase of life has wrapped up neatly and without much struggle.  I will be processing the last 5 months for at least another 5 months!
After arriving back in California I made the decision to spend another month at the Chico YWAM base in Cali.  My decision is due in part to the idea of spending some extra time processing and seeking the next steps in life. 
Please keep me in your prayers as I seek and sort through the ideas in my head.  I believe this mission road of my life is just beginning and I’m excited to see the direction that God leads me.
To sum up the last two months of outreach in South Africa I would have to say that God did amazing things. There where challenges and there where accomplishments. There are hundreds of children’s faces ingrained in my mind and heart. There are people and places that I will always remember and maybe someday I will revisit. There have been friendships made that will last the rest of this earthly life.  There are some things I will wish to forget and some things I will seek to hold onto forever!

If you would like more details on my outreach experience in South Africa, please let me know!!!
To all my MN people, I will see you in MARCH!!! I hope you have snow by then!
To everyone that made this YWAM CDTS experience possible, THANK YOU!!! You have invested in the kingdom of God, and I will continue to do just that! It’s my life and my joy!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A few highlights.

As we finish up our time here in South Africa we are thinking not only about what lays ahead, but also what we are leaving behind. 
Today we are in a time of debrief and that brings in lots of thoughts about the past 5 months. 
I want to share with you a few of my highlights. 

Our first stop, the Drakensberg YWAM. We spent many days working with a soup kitchen in a remote location. The children's programs we shared and the smile from the children are something I can't even begin to describe! 

Our second location was LIV Village. A place where children have been rescued, given a new home and a new family, and learned of a greater love. I seriously miss some of these children so much. 

YWAM Durban has been our final stop on this trip, and I have to say my biggest God sighting of all. 
Walking down the street we ran into a gentleman who was not having a good day. He had been high jacked a few hours before and was trying to get home. This was really the first time being here that I witnessed for myself the anger and hatred so prevalent in this country. 
The amazing thing about this encounter was as we talked the anger faded and as we prayed with him the tears streamed down his face. He prayed for forgiveness for his hatred and the strength to be able to love his enemies. I will not soon forget the change that I saw on his face as he walked away. That smile was the smile of a peace that only Jesus can bring.   

These past five months have in no way been easy, but God never promised an easy road. It's been good. A challenge is the way of growth. 

Thanks again to every one of your prayers and support!!!

I will try to keep you posted on future plans as I discover the path God has for me!  I know He's not done with me yet!!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

A walk in the rain!

This is the latest blog I wrote for our YWAM team...

A walk in the rain. 

It's not just your everyday normal night. It's the end of something. The beginning of something else. It's the night we all think, did we accomplish our goals this year? Or, what will next year bring? It's a time to ponder our lives to this point.

It's New Year's Eve!

 Usually my New Year's have a a lot of snow, are very cold and the icy roads are inevitable. This year however is much different. On the other side of the equator, it's summer in South Africa and has been one of the driest summers here in the past 80 years. The water restrictions and the lack of rain are a constant source of conversation and prayer. 

This New Year's Eve we have spent painting faces, dancing around in circles and making a zoo full of balloon animals. Others enjoyed blowing bubbles for the pleasure of children popping them.  Tonight we celebrate New Year's Eve with over 100 orphan children at LIV Village.  Tonight we are putting on a "crazy noise party" to celebrate and thank our Father in heaven for everything we have. 

Tonight I see joy in children's eyes. Children who have lost everything and yet they are so thankful for what they do have. They are thankful for the new families and homes they have found here at LIV. They are thankful for food to eat. They are thankful for people that love them. 

Tonight I  leave the party to the sound of fireworks and cheers, and something else. I hear the sound of rain. The long prayed for rains pour down on me as I walk home. I'm soaking wet, and enjoying every moment. 

Yes, I'm reflective this New Year's Eve, I'm reflective on all in this world I've taken for granted. With a heart full of praise, I start to thank my God for all he has done for me, but most of all I thank him for the children right here and for the rain pouring down on my face!

What are you thankful for this New Year's Eve?