Hey everyone,
I have a new blog location and would encourage you all to follow me at https://ywamjodi.wordpress.com/... I will not be keeping up with this blog anymore.
The transition from summer programs
has been smooth and good. I have now
stepped into the media and marketing department at YWAM Chico. My current responsibilities have been growing
every day. I have been given the official
job of keeping up with the social media posts. This is something I enjoy and
keeps me busy and growing. Media is full of the “random” projects as well as
the keeping up to date projects. I am
excited for what this creative department will pull out of me!
This week our Fall DTS students
arrived! It’s been fun meeting them and starting to get to know them. There are
lots of conversations to be had! Please continue to pray for these students and
the staff that will be leading them through the next six months of training and
ministry. We are believing God for BIG things.
In October, I will be traveling with a
team to Washington D.C. for a event called Awaken the Dawn. It is going to be an incredible time of
prayer worship and revival for this nation.
There will be over 50 tents, one for each state plus a few, set up on
the National Mall in Washington D.C. full of people. There will be prayer and
worship happening day and night from Oct. 6-9th. I am so excited to
be apart of this, and really believe that it will be a breaking point in
After the Awaken the Dawn event a few
of us from YWAM Chico will travel on. We
will be heading to Springfield, MO for a few days joining a ministry team
there, and then head to Lancaster PA to help out at the Global Awakening Conference.
I’m excited for what God is going to
do in and through us during this trip. Please pray for wisdom and boldness to
go and do everything that God is leading us into.
Other things to pray for…
Please pray for the staff and YWAM
Chico for continued unity and strength.
Please pray for Upcoming and Future opportunities
with YWAM.
Please continue to pray for finances.
I hope this gives you a bit of an idea
of what I am up to, if you have question please contact me – Jodi.noordmans@ywamchico.com and
I will do my best to give you more information.
If you would like to support me
through prayer or financially, please let me know and I can give you more
information on how to set that up!
Praying God’s blessings over each one
of you!