Friday, February 10, 2017

Focus Forward

Dear Family and Friends,

As many of you know I just arrived back from a nine week outreach in South Africa and Lesotho.  It was a powerful experience with many learning moments along the way.

This season alone has brought a huge understanding to what it means to lead and disciple people into the kingdom and to raise up Godly leaders to pass on the Godly heritage we claim. 

As God led me through this past season, He brought me to a point of surrender that I have never reached before.  The words "setting down a root system" where spoken into me.  My desire is to plant myself in a place and position under a leadership and Godly authority that will grow and build the passion and purpose that God has placed on my heart. 

With that said I will be staying with YWAM Chico for another season. 

The first part of this season will include attending the POWER school. It is a 8 week school focused on Prayer, Worship and Revival.  The heart of the school is to grow in our understanding of how to combat spiritual warfare through these three focuses.   I am very excited for this school. I believe God has a lot to teach me and I am an open book to learn everything I can from Him through the amazing leaders of this school.

The second phase of this season, I plan to join staff here at YWAM Chico. As I said earlier God is leading me to place myself under leadership that I feel is likeminded and will help me grow more into the person that He desires me to be. 

The leaders at YWAM Chico are dedicated and strong in their faith and ability to lead in a Godly manner. They are great people that I am very excited to learn from them.

The past season God gave me a verse from Ephesians 4. It says "Live a life worthy of the calling you have received." Sometimes we struggle with knowing what our calling is, and sometimes we struggle with our part of the calling. Sometimes we are ready to dive in and do all we can to live a life worthy.

This season isn't all about me, it's about you as well. Its also about what you are called to. Perhaps God is calling you out to step into a position of missions or ministry that you aren't sure about. Perhaps He is asking you to stay in the place you are and love on your neighbors like never before. Whatever it is that He is calling you to, don't ignore the call. We are all called to "go" and "do", it's what we do with the call that's important.

For this season to happen for me, I need a Godly team behind me. I cannot do this alone, nor does God expect that of me. Has God called you to be apart of this team? Please ask Him. I need your prayers and financial support to be able to focus on what God is leading me into. 

The need is as follows- (in no particular order)

The Power School  finances $1500

Daily prayer support

Staff fees - (min) $400.00  in monthly support

Please also pray for  a vehicle

If you do feel that God is leading you to give, please send checks payable to YWAM CHICO to:

Jodi Noordmans
YWAM Chico 
15850 Richardson Springs Road
Chico, CA 95973

On any donation you make, Make sure to make a note that it is for Jodi Noordmans Power school or staff.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support! 

My God bless you richly for your generosity,