Friday, December 9, 2016

Africa week 2

This week has been one with its own set of challenges and growths. 

For me personally, it has been a week of letting go of things I've held onto that are not mine to hold. Opening my hands and releasing these things things to God has been good and refreshing for my soul. It has also helped me take a deep breath of what really matters here and what is important while on this outreach. 

Having the right perspective can change the way any situation appears. The most important thing to remember is that God is good. 

This week we spent a few afternoons in a children's ward at a hospital. It was challenging to say the least, yet at the same time it was powerful to see Gods love working overtime in that place. One of those afternoons we found ourselves sitting in the hallway with a bunch of children. We where coloring pictures, playing ball, handing out stickers, reading books, laughing and just in general enjoying each little face in front of us. 

At first we thought we might be annoying the nurses and hospital workers that where trying to walk through the hallway, but then we noticed that they where helping some of the children who couldn't walk come and join us. 

There where a lot of giggles that day. Tears too, as parents left and the children realized they where gone we had many opportunities to comfort them and see the smiles slowly return to their faces. 

Another adventure we had this week was helping to plan and execute a Christmas party with one of TTH's feeding programs. It was a powerful reminder of how God works in little ways and how He is using us in everything we do. Watching the delight of the children as we taught them silly songs and actions was nothing that can be described. Also, who knew how popular paper airplanes could be around the world! 

God has blessed us greatly already on this trip and I believe He has more coming for each of us. 

Please continue to pray for each of us. 
Pray for-
Focus on God above all else
Deeper Joy

Thank you for your prayers and support! This season wouldn't be possible without you! 

Saturday, December 3, 2016

African update

A happy heart is good medicine. Prov. 17:22

African update:
Team South Africa made it. We are here! God blessed us with good travels and quality flights. 
We arrived at a ministry called 10,000 homes located in the north east part of South Africa. The team here is awesome and seems to be very like minded to our own mission. They put us right to work! 
We have been joining them in working with after school feeding programs. Creating relationships is a huge part of what we do here. The holiday season is just starting for a lot of the schools, so we have helped with A Christmas party and there will be more to come! Yay, Christmas! 
God is really working on our team as well. We have had a few opportunities to just grow deeper in our personal relationships with each other and also our relationship with God. We have discovered how working together really brings unity into our team. We have a small team with many different personalities and we are all able to bring something different to the team. God has really blessed us with variety of personality this season. 
We have also had the opportunity to join the 10,000 homes staff in work projects on their base. We have been digging holes for drains, painting houses and other things, helping with thrift sales at the end of their road and beautifying flower gardens etc. 
Please continue to pray for myself and the team as we continue to work alongside 10,000 homes. 
Pray that we might be an encouragement to them and help them in their ministry. 
Pray that we will continue to grow in our personal relationships with God and with each other. 
Pray for lives to be changes through connection with our time here. 
Pray for energy and strength within our team as our days are long. 
Pray that we will continue to keep our focus upward on Jesus and what He is doing so that we can join Him. 
Thank you everyone for your prayers! God is good!