Friday, September 25, 2015

The Paralyzing fear of Faith

By faith. How do you live your life by faith? What does that really mean?  We say we believe, then God asks us to put that faith into action and… oh, geez….(scared face!)
Why do we let the paralyzing fear control us over the power of God and our faith in Him?
When I think about faith, I think about Abraham and how he took his son to the top of a mountain to sacrifice him to God, because he believed in the promises of God for his future. When God said I will make your descendants like the stars in the sky everyone was assuming that He would start with this child.  Abraham believe that no matter what, God would not forsake him, and that He would bring the boy back to life or give him another son.  Abraham didn’t know what the result would be, but he believed in a God bigger then himself.  He believed in the God of life and death.  (read the whole story for yourself Genises 22)
I think what God was really asking for here was obedience. The act of obedience out of faith. It’s something I’m learning doesn’t always make sense in my little human mind; sometimes God gives us a job that is bigger than we are.  He gives us things that we are incapable of outside His power. 
Stepping into the act of obedience without the full knowledge of the outcome is something that has to be done by faith.  Jumping in like this can very often can be deemed as stupid to the world.
This week God asked me to step out in an act of obedience and faith.  My journey has nothing to do with sacrificing anyone on an alter!!! It is simply Him asking me to believe in the best for myself.  The best that He has for me. Not to settle in any area of my life, but to surrender it all to Him knowing that he wants so much more for me then I do for myself.  He has asked me to surrender in every area of my life, not just the things I feel comfortable giving him control of, but the things that I want power over myself. 
To say the least, I’m scared.  Why?  Maybe I’m afraid that He will ask me to do something that I don’t want to do.  Maybe I don’t have the faith I know I should have. Maybe I just like control.
No matter the amount of fear I feel and the seconds of freaking out uncontrollably, I still have that sense of peace.  The peace that is bigger than this world; A peace that can only come from the beautiful power and love of the grace of my God. In spite of the fear, I know my God is in control. I know that I live in His kingdom and I am so excited to experience the depth of His love. 
Even if I never see the end result of my act of faith and obedience on this earth, I can walk in the peace and love of my Father God, and there is no other place I would rather be. God doesn’t promise us a life of ease or even a clear result of the lives we’ve lived, but He does promise that He will never leave us or forsake us. (Deut. 31:8)
I Bless your spirit today to step into a place of authority over your mind, body and emotions. I bless your spirit to connect with Holy Spirit and claim the promises He has for you today.  I bless you know that you are a creative, beautiful reflection of God. I bless you to enjoy each moment of today and surrender each fear, pain and disappointment to the author of life, claiming the life full of grace, peace and joy that is being poured out on you right now.