Monday, March 23, 2015

Postpone the April plans

Proverbs 16:9

A man’s mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure.

This past week has been a challenging, thought filled week.  I have just started the processing of the past seven months.  I being an internal processer have filed a lot of information away for a future time when I can start to think through things.

This week it has all started.  And though it has already proved to be a challenge, I know there is a lot more of these deep thoughts coming my way.

Due to this and a few confirming conversations I’ve had this week that I have made the decision to push my counseling school back a bit.  Though the exact plans aren’t made yet, it is still in my mind to pursue this direction.    I believe it would be wiser to process what is already in my head before I try to pile more information in there…there might be an explosion!

I believe that God has a lot for me to accomplish right where I’m at and He will be directing my steps all along the way.

Thank you everyone for your continued support and prayers! 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Here's to the random!

Here we go. On another adventure. I'm on a plane headed toward North Carolina. 

Along with four of my closest friends occupying seats in the cabin around me, There are countless strangers now bonded together by the choice of flight direction. All headed toward the next step in life. Friends and strangers alike. One common goal, to reach our destination and keep going. 
How quickly this group of people will separate after this flight. How quickly will the common bond be broken. 

The reason for this trip? 
The desire to grow these relationships of this bonded community of friends. the need to escape the cold of the Minnesota winter and cabin fever. (Yes, I've only been back for a week, doesn't take long to set in!) The ever present need for a new adventure. The constant drive to discover the what's next of our lives. The delight of a chance to curb our wanderlust. The eagerness of visiting old friends and making new ones. 

(Sadly one main member of this random band is in a far off land, and though we are excited as to where God has him, we selfishly wish he was on this plane with us!)

Our goals for this trip? To laugh. To live, and to just be. To step outside the norm that sometimes becomes life and together sharpen and strengthen not only our personal relationships with our God and creator but challenge each other to grow and to live the life that God has desired for each of us.

This trip is an opportunity not only to discover the promises of God but to step into those promises and start living in those promises with all of who we are. 

We are a team united under God separated by different passions, but brought together by the growth and sharpening that happens with the years of life together. 
My personal goals of this trip? To laugh. To let the grace of Gods amazing love take me to a place complete freedom. To fully step into the promises of God and let go of fears and concerns about the future. To embrace the Joy of the new and not wonder at the what if's of what could have been. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Partners for this journey toward Counseling Ministry

 It was he who “gave gifts to people”; he appointed some to be apostles, others to be prophets, others to be evangelists, others to be pastors and teachers. 12 He did this to prepare all God's people for the work of Christian service, in order to build up the body of Christ. 13 And so we shall all come together to that oneness in our faith and in our knowledge of the Son of God; we shall become mature people, reaching to the very height of Christ's full stature. –Eph 4:11-13

Some He calls some to be teachers, some to be preachers, some to be in the law enforcement and some to counsel, some to encourage, some to go, and some to send.

He has chosen me, and blessed me with the gift of counsel.  He has given me the ability to not just speak into people’s lives, but hear their hearts. He has given me a desire to grow and learn and become a person who wants to see healing fill the hearts and souls of every person I meet.  

There are countless people who have stepped into my life and have shared their hearts with me. I desire to help and this is why I have decided to pursue the Foundations for Counseling Ministry School through YWAM.  I cannot help without first getting the help and knowledge myself.

I have no intention of doing this without you! I have asked God to build a team to walk through this season along side me, and now I’m asking you to ask Him.  Please ask him right now if you should be apart of this team.  

I am seeking prayer and financial partners.

The Foundations for Counseling Ministry School cost $3,295 for the 12 week lecture phase and $1,895 + airfare for the 8-12 week outreach phase.

If you would like to join my financial support team, you can send donations directly to me at –

Jodi Noordmans

10434 Legionville Rd

Brainerd, MN 56401

Online by going to-

or you can send them to the YWAM Colorado Springs office –

Youth With A Mission - Colorado Springs

PO Box 60579

Colorado Springs, CO 80960

Please note my name (Jodi Noordmans) on any donation you make…checks can be written out to YWAM.

I love that God is already preparing the hearts and minds of those He will be putting into my life this next season! I know that He has a lot to teach me and I am so excited to start learning more and more!

Thank you so much for all you are in this world!

Blessings people!


PS-If you tried to read my last blog and couldn't see any of the's fixed! :)