Sunday, October 26, 2014

Relationships and Research Projects = My Week!

The Drankensberg Mountains S. A.
Matthew 22:37 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind.

This week was a week of Relationships. Here are some thoughts and reminders on having healthy relationships...

We have been created to have a relationship with the God.  God wants to be a friend of ours, not our slave master.

Unity is humble hearts Honoring each other according to the Value God has placed on them.

Love- is desiring and choosing the highest good for another.

Recognize the Lies and how the Truth has been twisted to become a lie...
Truth-You are different...
Lie-There must be something wrong with you....
God has made each person unique and different.  We all make up this unique world. We are all a unique expression of God's creative mind.

When we accept a lie we conform ourselves to that lie and make it apart of who we are.

Good questions to ask yourself in a relationship of any kind...
Is it loving?
Is it wise?
Are we stiring up emotions in others we dont have the commitment to fulfill?


Healthy Relationships don't just happen they take commitment and work.

This week flew by like a blink of an eye. 
We did some research projects of South Africa, It's beginning to seem real and exciting!
We have also been studying the Spheres of influence and where focusing on Family this week... We spent some serious time just praying for families.

Thank you to those have been supporting me through prayer and finance!!!! You are all amazing!!! I have truly felt your prayers this past week, and have been so blessed by your support!!! 

I am now at $1000 to go to make my financial outreach goals. Keep Praying! 

Love you guys!

Monday, October 20, 2014

My Newsletter update

Jon and Julie - My really fun Team Leaders!

Some of you may have already received this letter via e-mail, but for those of you who haven't....
As some of you know about 6 weeks ago I started my Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Crossroads Discipleship Training School (CDTS). Thank you all for your prayers and support in this mission! I couldn’t do this without you!! 
We just came off a week of connecting with several YWAM bases from the area. There were about 250 of us learning and living together.  It was a great opportunity to connect and grow with several new friends!
This past weekend we had the chance to take part in “Church on the Street”. We were able to talk to lots of people, give them food and some other needs, and just hang with them for a while.
We have been studying several quality topics such as-
            Listening to God / Hearing God’s voice
            The Fathers Love & The extravagant love of the Father
            How to get Freedom from Shame
            How do we love God…God’s love language
            Truth Box…What are the “Truths” you have in your thinking that are not true?
            What is your view of God, and where did it come from?
            Fear of the Lord / Radical Faith

If you have any questions on any of the topics, let me know and I will pass on some of the notes that I took during the sessions!
Fishing! I caught one...It was at least 3 inch long!

Plans for outreach have been taking shape.  We will be leaving for our 8 week outreach to South Africa on November 22.  While there will be serving along side a few different YWAM bases doing anything they need from Children’s programs to Building projects.  We were working on our face painting skills the other day!  Today we were practicing our Children’s songs!
I am still looking for financial & prayer partners for the out reach phase. My current need is about $2000 before our launch date of November 22.  If you feel God is leading you to support me financially, Send Money to YWAM Chico!
Address the Check to “YWAM Chico” send either a note attached with my name on it, or write my name in the memo portion of the check.
Send checks to:
CDTS Registrar 
Youth With A Mission 
15850 Richardson Springs Road
Chico, California 95973
If you would like to send money online please follow this link and make sure you mention my name so they know where the money should go.
If you feel God is calling you to Pray, here are some things to pray into!
A growth of unity within our team.
For finances to be met for all our team members.
For the lives we will be reaching out to while we are here in Chico Ca. and those we will be connecting with while in South Africa.
For hearts to be awakened to the Truth of the Love of Jesus!
For a boldness for our team to speak truth.
I would love to pray for you as well, so please let me know how I can pray for you!!
Thank you,
Jodi Noordmans

Friday, October 17, 2014

Why did God make you?

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. 3 in 1. Different yet the same. A perfect picture of love and relationship before the beginning of this world. 

Why did they/he ever create us? 
-not because He was lonely. No. He lived in the perfect relationship. 
-not because he was bored. No.  Perfection doesn't get bored. To say this would be to say that we save God. 
-not so He could rule as a king. No.  This would imply He had a self esteem issue. 
-not to worship... He loves our worship but that's not His reason for creating us. 

A perfect God doesn't need anything from us. A perfect God with a perfect relationship desired only to expand His perfectness. 

He created us to be apart of that relationship with Him. He created us to be more of the Good thing that already was between God the Father. God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. 
I am a gift from God to God. An expression of love. 

God didn't have to create love, He is love. God has no beginning, Love has no beginning. 

Gods love grows bigger with every soul. His love doesn't divide to be split evenly between everyone. We are all recipients of the FULL love of God! He's not holding anything back!

Gods love for us is unconditional. There is nothing that can change His love for you. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Life update including Outreach info!!!

It’s been a crazy few weeks here at YWAM Chico!
Over the past few days we had several West coast YWAMers here for a conference. It was a great time just to connect with YWAM family! I made lots of new friends!

Between classes we have been able to get in a few quality hikes, a trip to visit the Red Woods and Ocean, play some pool games, sit by the pool, ride some horses, go fishing, all involving a lot of laughs!

A few serious thoughts from the past few weeks…
Where does your concept of God come from? Are we getting our ideas about God from God?
Proverbs 4:18 The ways of right-living people glow with light; the longer they live, the brighter they shine.

This world will be transformed through relationships.
We can’t change what is done to us, only how we choose to respond to it.
A choice always has a consequence. Choice determines destiny.

If you cut your chains, you are free.  If you cut your roots, you die.
In other news…
We will be leaving for South Africa on November 22. We have been working on our outreach preparation, which includes anything from prayer to face painting.
Some of you have asked how my funding is coming, the update as of today is that I am still looking to raise about $2000. If you would like to become an Out Reach financial partner, You can send Checks directly to YWAM Chico.
Address the Check to “YWAM Chico” send either a note attached with my name on it, or write my name in the memo portion of the check.

Send checks to:
CDTS Registrar 
Youth With A Mission 
15850 Richardson Springs Road
Chico, California 95973


If you would like to send money online please follow this link and make sure you mention my name so they know where the money should go.

Thank you everyone who is already a partner! I am so blessed by all of you!