Thursday, August 31, 2017

Latest Blog/ New Blog Location!

Hey everyone, 
I have a new blog location and would encourage you all to follow me at I will not be keeping up with this blog anymore.

The transition from summer programs has been smooth and good.  I have now stepped into the media and marketing department at YWAM Chico.  My current responsibilities have been growing every day.  I have been given the official job of keeping up with the social media posts. This is something I enjoy and keeps me busy and growing. Media is full of the “random” projects as well as the keeping up to date projects.  I am excited for what this creative department will pull out of me!

This week our Fall DTS students arrived! It’s been fun meeting them and starting to get to know them. There are lots of conversations to be had! Please continue to pray for these students and the staff that will be leading them through the next six months of training and ministry. We are believing God for BIG things.

In October, I will be traveling with a team to Washington D.C. for a event called Awaken the Dawn.  It is going to be an incredible time of prayer worship and revival for this nation.  There will be over 50 tents, one for each state plus a few, set up on the National Mall in Washington D.C. full of people. There will be prayer and worship happening day and night from Oct. 6-9th. I am so excited to be apart of this, and really believe that it will be a breaking point in America. 

After the Awaken the Dawn event a few of us from YWAM Chico will travel on.  We will be heading to Springfield, MO for a few days joining a ministry team there, and then head to Lancaster PA to help out at the Global Awakening Conference.

I’m excited for what God is going to do in and through us during this trip. Please pray for wisdom and boldness to go and do everything that God is leading us into.

Other things to pray for…
Please pray for the staff and YWAM Chico for continued unity and strength.
Please pray for Upcoming and Future opportunities with YWAM.
Please continue to pray for finances.

I hope this gives you a bit of an idea of what I am up to, if you have question please contact me – and I will do my best to give you more information.

If you would like to support me through prayer or financially, please let me know and I can give you more information on how to set that up!

Praying God’s blessings over each one of you!

Friday, February 10, 2017

Focus Forward

Dear Family and Friends,

As many of you know I just arrived back from a nine week outreach in South Africa and Lesotho.  It was a powerful experience with many learning moments along the way.

This season alone has brought a huge understanding to what it means to lead and disciple people into the kingdom and to raise up Godly leaders to pass on the Godly heritage we claim. 

As God led me through this past season, He brought me to a point of surrender that I have never reached before.  The words "setting down a root system" where spoken into me.  My desire is to plant myself in a place and position under a leadership and Godly authority that will grow and build the passion and purpose that God has placed on my heart. 

With that said I will be staying with YWAM Chico for another season. 

The first part of this season will include attending the POWER school. It is a 8 week school focused on Prayer, Worship and Revival.  The heart of the school is to grow in our understanding of how to combat spiritual warfare through these three focuses.   I am very excited for this school. I believe God has a lot to teach me and I am an open book to learn everything I can from Him through the amazing leaders of this school.

The second phase of this season, I plan to join staff here at YWAM Chico. As I said earlier God is leading me to place myself under leadership that I feel is likeminded and will help me grow more into the person that He desires me to be. 

The leaders at YWAM Chico are dedicated and strong in their faith and ability to lead in a Godly manner. They are great people that I am very excited to learn from them.

The past season God gave me a verse from Ephesians 4. It says "Live a life worthy of the calling you have received." Sometimes we struggle with knowing what our calling is, and sometimes we struggle with our part of the calling. Sometimes we are ready to dive in and do all we can to live a life worthy.

This season isn't all about me, it's about you as well. Its also about what you are called to. Perhaps God is calling you out to step into a position of missions or ministry that you aren't sure about. Perhaps He is asking you to stay in the place you are and love on your neighbors like never before. Whatever it is that He is calling you to, don't ignore the call. We are all called to "go" and "do", it's what we do with the call that's important.

For this season to happen for me, I need a Godly team behind me. I cannot do this alone, nor does God expect that of me. Has God called you to be apart of this team? Please ask Him. I need your prayers and financial support to be able to focus on what God is leading me into. 

The need is as follows- (in no particular order)

The Power School  finances $1500

Daily prayer support

Staff fees - (min) $400.00  in monthly support

Please also pray for  a vehicle

If you do feel that God is leading you to give, please send checks payable to YWAM CHICO to:

Jodi Noordmans
YWAM Chico 
15850 Richardson Springs Road
Chico, CA 95973

On any donation you make, Make sure to make a note that it is for Jodi Noordmans Power school or staff.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support! 

My God bless you richly for your generosity,

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Outreach and life continues!

Outreach and life continues!

Oh, where to begin? 
This has been a huge season of leaning in and pushing closer into the arms of my Father. The struggles that we have faced on this trip are shadows of what God has been teaching us and how He is calling us up and out of our insecurities and into His Holy anointing. 
I could go into great detail of the challenges and hardships but I would much rather share with you the amazing things that God is doing not just through us, but in us as well. 

Things that I have personally grown in is just walking in the obedience of what God is calling me into, and growing in what it means to die to self in order to live a life worthy of the Calling God has placed in me. 

As a leader on this trip I have felt the pressures of laying aside and letting go of even my most personal and treasured time alone to seek the importance of encouraging others. 
I have felt completely emptied and still felt God using me to pour out on the team and others. I have felt unprepared and incapable but have watched as God used me to speak life into others and in turn fill me with his heart again and again. 

There are things on this trip that I have yet to gain understanding on and things I might never "figure out", but I know that God is daily growing me and showing me His strength rising up in spite of my own weakness. 

...and there is more to come...
Gods plans keep moving me forward. There where several things on the table at the beginning of this outreach and through my days in Africa God has shown me the importance of placing myself under Godly leadership that I trust. 
He has also showed me the importance of the spiritual battle and steps in fighting in the Spirit. 

It is with these two thoughts in mind that I have decided to go through a 8 week training program on battling with the weapons of prayer, worship and intersession. The program is called the POWER school and will be starting March 1st at YWAM Chico. 

I am looking forward to what God will do in my mind and heart through this program and where it leads me after. 

Please continue to pray!

Pray for-
-the team to finish strong in South Africa (two weeks to go!)
-for the team to know where there next steps are after the outreach ends. 
-for me and the transition that will take place when I return and start this new program. 
-for finances for the POWER school and the future. 
-for the things we've learned on this trip to become apart of our hearts and lives and change us in good ways from the inside out. 

If you feel God is promoting you to support me financially, Thank you!!!

Please send donations to:

Jodi Noordmans

YWAM Chico 

15850 Richardson Springs Road

Chico, CA 95973


Or you can donate  online at this link… DONATE


On any donation you make, Make sure to make a note that it is for Jodi Noordmans POWER school.

Thank you everyone. If you would like more information or Stories about what's in doing, just ask!!!! 


Friday, December 9, 2016

Africa week 2

This week has been one with its own set of challenges and growths. 

For me personally, it has been a week of letting go of things I've held onto that are not mine to hold. Opening my hands and releasing these things things to God has been good and refreshing for my soul. It has also helped me take a deep breath of what really matters here and what is important while on this outreach. 

Having the right perspective can change the way any situation appears. The most important thing to remember is that God is good. 

This week we spent a few afternoons in a children's ward at a hospital. It was challenging to say the least, yet at the same time it was powerful to see Gods love working overtime in that place. One of those afternoons we found ourselves sitting in the hallway with a bunch of children. We where coloring pictures, playing ball, handing out stickers, reading books, laughing and just in general enjoying each little face in front of us. 

At first we thought we might be annoying the nurses and hospital workers that where trying to walk through the hallway, but then we noticed that they where helping some of the children who couldn't walk come and join us. 

There where a lot of giggles that day. Tears too, as parents left and the children realized they where gone we had many opportunities to comfort them and see the smiles slowly return to their faces. 

Another adventure we had this week was helping to plan and execute a Christmas party with one of TTH's feeding programs. It was a powerful reminder of how God works in little ways and how He is using us in everything we do. Watching the delight of the children as we taught them silly songs and actions was nothing that can be described. Also, who knew how popular paper airplanes could be around the world! 

God has blessed us greatly already on this trip and I believe He has more coming for each of us. 

Please continue to pray for each of us. 
Pray for-
Focus on God above all else
Deeper Joy

Thank you for your prayers and support! This season wouldn't be possible without you! 

Saturday, December 3, 2016

African update

A happy heart is good medicine. Prov. 17:22

African update:
Team South Africa made it. We are here! God blessed us with good travels and quality flights. 
We arrived at a ministry called 10,000 homes located in the north east part of South Africa. The team here is awesome and seems to be very like minded to our own mission. They put us right to work! 
We have been joining them in working with after school feeding programs. Creating relationships is a huge part of what we do here. The holiday season is just starting for a lot of the schools, so we have helped with A Christmas party and there will be more to come! Yay, Christmas! 
God is really working on our team as well. We have had a few opportunities to just grow deeper in our personal relationships with each other and also our relationship with God. We have discovered how working together really brings unity into our team. We have a small team with many different personalities and we are all able to bring something different to the team. God has really blessed us with variety of personality this season. 
We have also had the opportunity to join the 10,000 homes staff in work projects on their base. We have been digging holes for drains, painting houses and other things, helping with thrift sales at the end of their road and beautifying flower gardens etc. 
Please continue to pray for myself and the team as we continue to work alongside 10,000 homes. 
Pray that we might be an encouragement to them and help them in their ministry. 
Pray that we will continue to grow in our personal relationships with God and with each other. 
Pray for lives to be changes through connection with our time here. 
Pray for energy and strength within our team as our days are long. 
Pray that we will continue to keep our focus upward on Jesus and what He is doing so that we can join Him. 
Thank you everyone for your prayers! God is good! 

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Two weeks to takeoff

Dear Family and Friends,


Time is flying! We are leaving for Africa in three weeks. Can you believe?


We have covered so many different topics and thought to the point of our minds about to explode. We have struggled and we have changed.  We have grown and we are ready. Almost.


Two more weeks of lecture and preparation. God has this. We have had the privilege of watching him work and prepare our teams in every way possible.


He has supplied us with almost all of our finances already. $2000 in 2 weeks is nothing for Him. He has set up the locations for our outreaches and given us teams for both locations.


I with my group will be headed to South Africa and Lesotho. Locations we have never been but God is already there working. Our hope is to join what He is doing in each place we go and connect with the team He already has on the ground. We have a hope to build relationships and work together share God's love. There is no denying our hearts are growing for these countries.


As we get ready to go, we could definitely still use your prayers!



We have received most of our support.


The team is learning to fight together.


Growth! So much of it!


Travel arrangements have been made! 



For the rest of our finances to come through.


For the team to continue to grow and take in the right now.


For relationships and unity within the team.


Travel Favor.



Thank you so much for all your prayer and support! Without you non of this would be happening!


Future plans:

For those who are wondering what will be happening after I get back from outreach, here's the lowdown.  I will be joining staff at YWAM Chico. 

Please pray for me in that as well! 


Please pray for my monthly support. If you would like more information and join my monthly support team, please contact me!


Please also pray for a vehicle for when I return to the base.


Please pray for the time and finances to go back to Minnesota and get things sorted and figured there.


Thanks everyone! I hope and pray you are doing well!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Life vs not life


If you stop growing, you are busy dying…

This was a though provoking quote our speaker though out at us this past week.  We spent the week studying "the Cost of Discipleship", what it looks like to make Jesus the supreme authority in our lives.


It all starts with giving up rights…


"If Jesus is not in the first place, He is in the wrong place."


"The higher the calling, the Longer the learning, the deeper the sacrifice, the greater the fires."


"God is a high-jacker of dreams and plans."


…God is most glorified with we are fully satisfied……


Empty me, take all of me out so that I can be filled with all of you.


There is no shortcut to Gods glory.


(very partial list)

FAMILY -Matt. 10:37


REPUTATION- Psalm 69:7


FREEDOM & COMFORT - Jeremiah 8:6


POSITION- Matthew 19:21


OWN LIFE or PROTECTION - Acts 7:59-60




When we are willing to lay everything down for Christ we become the message of Christ.


Obedience is better then sacrifice.  This was an interesting thought for me, but it really made sense when I started to unpack it.


If God asks me to do one thing and I am willing and even try to do everything except for that one thing, I am still living in disobedience to God.  I could be sacrificing everything. Giving away all I own or letting go of everything, but because I'm not willing to do that one thing, I am sinning against God.


"If you don't deal with that one thing, that thing will deal with you."


Its like the story of Jonah.  God told him to go to Nininnivah. He didn't want to. He tried to do everything besides go to Ninivaah, and look what happened to him. He got swallowed by a fish…and he still had to go to Ninivah.


"The highest form of worship is obedience."




What did Jesus desire to see in His disciples? What where His goals for these guys he hung out with all the time?

(Partial list)

WILLING TO SERVE - Mark 10: 35-45


LISTEN- Luke 10:41 and 9:35


OPEN - 1 Thes. 5:12, Heb. 13:17


KNOW  your WEAKNESS - 2 Cor. 12:9


FORGIVENESS- Matthew 18:21


THANKFUL - Colossians 3:17




This week was powerful on so many levels. The power of God was moving through my heart as well as through the whole team.


Thursday evening and Friday afternoon I was able to just sit and listen to the DTS students share testimony after testimony of what God was doing in there personal lives. 




Most of the team has their first $1000 towards outreach in and paid.


Hearts are changing and becoming more life Jesus.


Mindsets and hearts are changing and expanding according to what God is leading each of us.


Please continue to pray for finances and fundraising opportunities. There is still approximately $15,000 -$20,000 needed for the DTS team to go on outreach.


Please pray for our outreach as we continue to seek Gods will and desire for each group.  We are thinking we will have four different teams going out this season.


Please pray for continued growth and depth in each of us as we walk through each week.


Please pray for our speaker, Stephen Bell this week as he brings the subject "Holy Spirit" to us with power and passion.


Please pray for understanding in our second language students to be able to easily understand the lectures.


If you would like to send me or my team mail or money, please send checks payable to YWAM CHICO to:


Jodi Noordmans


YWAM Chico 

15850 Richardson Springs Road

Chico, CA 95973


Or you can donate  online at this link… DONATE


On any donation you make, Make sure to make a note that it is for Jodi Noordmans FALL BOLD school.


There is also ways you can donate through PayPal if that is better for you…just let me know and I will get you the information.


Thank you my people. This season of life is only made possible by your prayer and support.


I believe with all of me that this is a season that will keep on going. The ripples that will continue after this team is gone and back will continue to roll out and out and out.


Thanks again! Praying Blessings over your lives!

